T20D 21W Orange W3x16d 24xled 12V BULB

Product number: 534483
Brand: Bosma
Product number : 534483
Brand: Bosma

T20D 21W Orange W3x16d 24xled 12V BULB

T20D 21W Orange W3x16D 24XLED 12V BULB

Signal Lamp Widthelamp

Direction indicator lamp, stop lamp.

Toyota, Mazda, Honda, Japanese Car, S

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T20D 21W Orange W3x16D 24XLED 12V BULB

Signal Lamp Widthelamp

Direction indicator lamp, stop lamp.

Toyota, Mazda, Honda, Japanese Car, S

note! Size of the Head is 26mm.

Standard size is 20 mm.


Brand Bosma
Socket T20D
Connection voltage 12V


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